This phrase is very common when playing in windy conditions as it suggests to swing softer when playing in windy conditions. This is very true as when you swing softer, you will be more inclined to keep your balance as well put less backspin on the ball. When you reduce the spin on the ball, the ball will less likely lift too high and thus be less affected by the wind. Most players however swing too aggressively into the wind in an attempt to not be affected by the conditions. This however often ends in disaster as the spin of the ball tends to increase which propels the ball further in the air which leads to less distance.
Another great tip for you to swing softer is choosing a longer club. Most people are conservative when choosing a longer club such as only going one club more. Try choosing clubs which are at least one club longer than what you think. For example if you think you should go back to a 6 iron, try a 5 or even a 4 iron. Choosing a club that's more than what you think, will force you to swing softer and therefore enable you to have a more balanced swing.
Another great tip when playing in windy conditions is placing the ball further back in your stance. Placing the ball back enables you to keep the ball flight lower and thus again will be less affected by the wind. When I decide to keep the ball flight lower, I will also choose a longer club and reduce the length of my swing to around 60%. The biggest tip when placing the ball back is once again swinging reasonably softly and if you can keep your hands in front of the clubface at impact, this will guarantee a low ball flight.
When you're Driving in windy conditions, I would encourage to tee the ball lower. I would have the tee height set where the ball is just above the top of the club head. I would again swing very softly and even reduce the length of your swing to around 60% as mentioned previously. This again will help you reduce the spin on the ball and thus help you keep the ball flight lower.
If you have any further questions about how to play in windy conditions, please contact myself at David Waters Golf located at Emerald Lakes Golf Coaching Centre.
