You will often see Tour Professionals using a towel during their training. This is very common for players when they're focusing on arm and body connection. The typical club that is used to practice with a towel is a SW. The idea is that you place the towel underneath your arms and ensure the towel doesn't drop throughout the backswing. The towel can then drop after you hit the ball.
Players who have decided to use this drill are those that are having difficulty coordinating their arms to their body. Typically I will recommend to players whose right elbow has lifted during the backswing or where the left arm has stretched off the body. The towel basically forces the arms to stay closer to the body by allowing the wrists to hinge and ensuring the right elbow points down at the top of the swing. When trying to execute shots with the towel, just do half swings so that you can maintain balance through the shot.
Now when applying this drill properly, you need to ensure that your path is neutral and you're turning your body. You want to ensure that when the club is parallel to the ground, that the clubhead and the hands form a straight line. You want to also ensure that when obtaining this path, that your body continues to turn. This combination of path and body rotation with the assist of the towel, will ensure you have complete arm and body connection.
Having great arm and body connection is the real key to creating power and accuracy with your shots. When there is complete connection, it means the arms always stay in front of the body and thus you will able to use the complete force of your body to exert power through the shot. One final note of this drill, is that it's best not to overdo it. I would recommend hitting 12 shots with the towel and then taking it off and trying to obtain the same feel for another 12 shots. Once you have the feel, dispense with the towel and come back to it when you need to establish connection once again.
If you need any further help in establishing arm connection, just contact myself at David Waters Golf.